Thursday, September 15, 2011

BIG BLACK WOMEN: Mothers of Creation

big black model by Terry Richardson !!!!

Big Black women are all over the African Diaspora either embracing themselves, denying themselves, being themselves or starving themselves into the form of insecure white women, or there are combinations of the four that are defining what African men loved, and revered in their women, and white explorers, in the past, who marveled at and gasped in awe steeped in disbelief at their forms.

Today there is an onslaught of spit, venom, contempt, and caricatures heaped upon the image of big black women who shaped the original designs of the Goddess, fertility, sexual powers, and gave sensuality to the form of Earth Mother’s energies. Why?

Why lies in the answers to the questions about sacredness, avoidance around slavery, and the cultural shame of white men raping Black slave and free women with aplomb throughout their history of interaction with our people. Why is about the inability of African men to protect their women and children as men. The dignity of women, their rights is centered on the energies, and the restoration of dignity and deep respect for African women. Who are these women?

They are our mothers, grandmothers, and our birth stories. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of the Drum


  1. This is the kind of women I want to see storming the runways!

  2. I can dig where you're coming from.
