Monday, March 3, 2014

to PREPARE the Soul

by Angelica Privalihin
"Marvelous way this unravels before my eyes. It started in one form but became a monster unable to intimidate, but is imposing enough to stop my eye from wandering far from the questions stirred by the painting." - Gregory E. Woods

"I was preparing my smoothie this morning , but when I pressed the start button nothing happened. I immediately check to see if the plug was in the socket and it was. My first thought was my blender is broken, my second thought was try another socket. So I re located the blender to another outlet and it started to blend. So as I sat enjoying my smoothie, I began to wonder how many of God's people are no longer connected to the source. I want to encourage you as we enter into the season of new beginnings to inquire of the Lord if it is time to start afresh...." - LadyApostle Brevard 3.4.13

by Ricardo Sanz 

I have learned from a friend of mine once in an abusive relationship that a point comes where your identity is no longer yours. She described it in a way I could never re-create, but the image, the feel of it stays with me as a guide, or sign post that helps identify that 'look' when listening to such a person's story.

But there are degrees of separation from the wholeness, and safety of being oneself, and spousal abuse falls under the category of the extreme? Well, at this point I assume a process must be outlined to guide the  victim away from the story they call home. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 3.7.13

Fumée d'Ambre Gris by John Singer Sargent

"John Singer Sergeant, is one of my most favorite artists in the whole wide world. He was known as being truly the 'painter's painter'; a master of form/colour/light/shade/clothes/silks/composition/almost anything and everything you could ever think of!" - Paul Ramnora

"I am deeply moved by the stories of these paintings, or drawings, and drawn by the worlds they come from." - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 3.7.13

"Divination tools are no more the devil's work as the ideal of sexual freedom belongs exclusively to pagan religions. People have always found tools to connect with the divine. The evil or darkness of a thing is in the dark of a soul, and the light and engaging power is the connection with the source of light. A card, a stone, an oak staff can be imbued with power for the benefit of connecting the broken pieces of a soul as well as the practice of speaking truth to power, or retrieving a soul by traveling to the underworld, as Jesus once did, to free a person to live life more abundantly." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

by Takamichi

AHO. A good thing to remember as one's parents die and you stand thinking about the legacy left to you:

A song says we are measured by the size of our heart?
What Love placed in my heart today:
People exist for God, and God exists for people. True love begins from the point where one lives for the sake of others.
Human beings began from God’s love; we're born because of love.
Love is the origin. Light guide the steps. - Adruma Victoria

artist Unknown

"Forgiveness. It is a tool and an art form as valuable as the ability to listen to your children and look in the mirror of their lives to see yourself." - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

Artist unknown

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