Friday, July 4, 2014

Flag around Lisa Ann

Maitrieya Sandess dancing in the sunlight!


The word "individuality" means un-dividedness from the whole-God. As individuals, we are reminded that we are inter-connected and inter-related. We are all expressions of the Most High Creator. With unique gifts and talents, we are equipped to celebrate the indivisible power and presence within us. Life is forever unfolding. The more we honor who we are, as well as the stories of others, the more we create a beloved community where all are fed, loved, and appreciated.

There is power in our oneness. When we serve from a space and place of oneness, everyone is empowered. As we celebrate our individuality, we draw all men and women unto us, creating a space for them to step into who they really are.

I am a divine idea of God. I embrace all my gifts and talents and joyfully share them with enthusiasm. As I celebrate myself and recognize the magnificence of others, I celebrate those who came before me and those yet to be born. I stand firm in my truth. I see God in my brothers and sisters. Together we are stronger. I commit wholeheartedly and with joy and thanksgiving to the reason I was created. Thank you, Understanding- in me, through me, as me, around me, through the Christ within. And so it is.

The Lord God is my strength, for he has made my feet like hinds' feet, and made me stand on my high places that I may sing his praise. Habakkuk 3:19

Daily Thoughts from the Hill
Copyright: Hillside International Truth Center, Inc.
Dr. Barbara L. King - Founder Minister/World Spiritual Leader

Porn-Stars Hub
Lisa Ann wrapped in American flag
October 9, 2013 

"Being an American citizen requires a lot of thought. On Independence Day the African and the American Indian within me are more sensitive to what it took to become a citizen of the United States of America!" - Alowan Chanteh Inyan Wichasha 7.4.14

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