Friday, July 4, 2014

Need A Warrior Stance

Mereana Taki

There are so many stories hidden in their faces and stances. . .
November 5, 2013 

The 14 step program, or how to usurp a nation and its identity:

Step 1 – Immigrate and infiltrate religious, social, and political constructs.

Step 2 – Set up usurious business practices and promote them as normal; create patriotic catchphrases like “free trade”, “free market”, and “capitalism” as you funnel public funds into your corporate usury-based businesses. Replace natural laws with contracts, duty with forced obligations, and natural rights with political privileges and benefits.

Step 3 – Demand equal rights (protections) under law, not natural or earned ones, and subsume all property as State-owned.

Step 4 – Gain international appeal for the cause of equality within a global media network.

Step 5 – Pretend not to be Jewish or disassociate publicly from Zionism to win government seats.

Step 6 – Through usury and debt, take over the economy with undisclosed public funding.

Step 7 – Win a majority of government seats for Jews and non-Jewish Zionists.

Step 8 – Pass laws requiring taxes to be sent to Jewish organizations, campaigns, and to Israel.

Step 9 – Pass hate speech laws and other forms of protections for all forms of religion/race/sex/organization so as to pretend to be a moral group deserving protection, hiding amongst protected classes.

Step 10 – Revise history and pass new laws making race, culture, and morals obsolete except for your own, supporting Israel and no other nation.

Step 11 – Export labor and manufacturing and import consumerism (utilize trade unions, labor laws, and misuse public funds to support these efforts).

Step 12 – Allow and protect illegal immigration; use propaganda to gain immigrant votes (children are citizens); demonize cultural or racial majority as the enemy of immigrants. After a few generations, a new majority appears, conditioned to be Jewish/Zionist friendly.

Step 13 – Repeat in all countries until each is dependent on the other.

Step 14 – Cause international appeal for war against uncooperative or incorruptible nations if above steps don’t work or if opposed (as in National Socialist Germany), then place new Zionist/corporate friendly governments through martial law. - author

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