Sunday, October 11, 2015

It is Comforting

The truth of a woman is how powerful her presence extends into lives, how far her goal, how luminous her vision, how firm her conviction, and grip upon integrity. Her beauty rests within these ideals and her ideals rest in the beauty of what she knows to be true. It is truth that is beautiful. It is comforting that truth appears despite its opposition. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 11.3.13

photo: Cosetta Chantal & an old Harley (2015)

Goddess within Heather Salmon in 2012 by Les Gadula !!!!

"Goddess, you were put on a pedestal for a reason; the apex to the Aquarius season. Taking you off your throne is treason. The Light that is you is the Light that the world must see from above and not below, for without you there is stagnation to one's cosmic flow!" - Ebeb Bee 11.3.13


a collage of Tina Turner dancing. Nothing beats a great pair of legs!!!

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