Saturday, September 23, 2017

IN the Depths WE Know.

I am therefore we are.

Embracing one's self becomes an art after the arduous task of arising from the lowest esteem childhood should not have given an individual. The country we live in boasts of its potential to take life with its many weapons and tactics of war with no simplification. There is war, and rumors of more war behind the stamina a warmonger has in a competition with lust a whoremonger has crawling within his or her body. The lack of beauty in a desire is the loss of soul given up, not for adoption, but abandoned by basic misunderstanding of what is basic to life: how to love, and why we love.

God may have made us, but we choose to believe in whatever myth comforts our angst the further we stray from the fundamental elements of truth, and Creation, as was made by what is beyond who we can possibly associate as God. It is our belief in God that stifles us. It is discovering the balance within the Goddess that comes with the Goddess that releases us from the pendulum of trading places with the knowledge of Ma'at's feather, not to judge, but receive the touch of what whispers to us constantly, "I am Life! I am Life! Mother without Father is imbalance leaving a craving for that balance and a return to what works for the I AM."

It is in us all.

Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
Jan. 12, 2017

Lemuel, my first born son, kissing Mommy in her last months before her death.

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