Saturday, September 7, 2013


It is a tough reality, but political gains, and cultural gains in the arenas still wrought with contradictions have not been fully blessed and accepted in the hearts of the benefactors of many men who thrive in a system that protects them from investigations into the rape and torture of women in the military. The military system protects accused rapists, and thwarts honest investigations simply. Protected by rapists in positions of authority rapists in the military have a pretty easy role to play. How? How is this possible? It is easy. The idea, and the concept of freedom and equality are not viewed by the military and the civilian with the same eyes.

We are all familiar with the text book answers and reasons for rape, but we are collectively unfamiliar with the face of the spirit of the rapist within the protected environment of the US military. Sodomizing a man, or a woman, and rape of women are war tactics, and for centuries has been deeply ingrained into the thinking of soldiers as a norm. Pussy has been considered a right.

The Arabian countries that continue to steal Black Africans and sell them into slavery routinely rape the boys and the girls to subjugate their spirits and submit their bodies to the rigors of their new lives in hell. It is a hard fact. How, as a father, do you shatter the idealism of your daughters, or sisters who dream of equality and fairness in this type of culture, and want to serve their country as a military officer? I am not friends with a lot of men who don't understand the dark side of women and men, and the dark side of homosexuality who are not  honest about what the spirit of this belief structure is, and what it looks like. What is difficult for us as fathers, and men is shattering the illusions American women have about the law, change, and the nature of men.

There is a lot of denial in the make up of Americans and there is no spiritual science respected and employed to face the spirits of the belief structure that subjugates women to the most violent of deaths to their spirits and bodies. We believe in the separation of wholeness, and that blinds us to the whole truths and gives us great pleasure believing in the illusions of equality with the devil in the room laughing his head off because the eyes of Americans like to believe law changes spirits.

My grief around rape has no end it feels like, but my grief over Private LaVena Lynn Johnson is extended to the many lives torn apart by rape. Any actions I've taken to intervene in this arena is small and great as is any other person so inclined to do the spiritual and practical work this arena needs. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 9.7.13

U.S. Army Private LaVena Lynn Johnson was raped,
tortured and killed 8 days before her 20th birthday July 19, 2005.

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