Thursday, October 17, 2013


"There’s nothing in our human psyche prepared to understand the spiritual wisdom of surrender. All of the great world religions teach surrender. Yet most of us, until we go through “the hole in our soul,” don’t think surrender is really necessary." - Richard Rohr

It is a law of physics, that anything in motion causes friction. Are you in motion or movement in some way that seems to be causing friction in your life? If so, just remember you're not in trouble, you're in transition. Surrendering to it, will make it much easier. Remember, what you fight, you invite and ignite.

Transition, is a “Right of Passage” and passage is the act or process of moving through, under, over, or past something on the way from one place to another. Far to many churches and/or people are filled with inspiration and information, but far too many don't experience "transformation" which is inward metamorphosis during the life cycle. Even preachers and ministers often lack authentic transformation. LA Preachers is a example and display of that reality.

Metamorphosis is a thorough or dramatic change in form, formation or more importantly, "formula". Formula a method, statement, or procedure for achieving something. When you feel deformed, perhaps you should check the formula you use. Transformation is persistent, consistent and insistent. It is part of the truth journey and journal.

Real truth leads to transition, transition means change, and change is always a struggle, but after you've gone thru the struggle you arrive at where you began; "Truth". And it is not just truth alone that sets or makes you free, but the truth you know (recognize) that makes, (creates or re-creates) you free!

Join me tonight 7:30-8:30 CST at Bishop and we'll discuss more of the unending challenge and charge of change and we'll walk thru it together! - Carlton Pearson 10.17.13

Gregory E. Woods's photo.

By the way, Anything we envision as "end times" signs has always happened. Difference is modern technology allows us to be more aware of it, and the media "dramatizes" it. Before modern technology we didn't even know what was going on on the other side of the world. - Peace Jones 

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