Sunday, January 26, 2014

the Hunter's log

First Note 

There is an answer, a solution to the imbalance of Nature. If you, or I, or a society has distorted balance restore the balance within self first, and with that done clarity comes to teach or show how to restore balance in the world. The problem is in the thinking of the masses, and what the masses accept as the norm, or necessary to have.

First Story

Feral dogs don't have the long and noble history wolves have. Feral dogs are castaways. Thrown away by people the first generation of wild dogs have severe heartache from rejection. Life on their own is hard as Nature weeds out the weak leaving the strongest to struggle to survive and mate. The next generations become hard and have not absorbed their parent's and grandparents' initial pain and none of the memories of association with people into their core. That is their danger to man and domestic beasts. The smell of weakness and dependency in domestic animals inflames wild dogs who do not live with deep and old relations with tribes of people.

I learned this from the wild dogs I hunted alone a long time ago as a young man. - Gregory E. Woods, 12.26.13

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