Sunday, January 19, 2014

Purpose Reveal Vision

Drea Lee Modeling

modeling in cool hat.
Jan. 1, 2014
"One can spell one's self into the stratosphere, or plunge life into the muck and mire. It is a powerful thing the gestures, and words of our mouths. As young as one is and as as old as one becomes the laws of nature, the laws applicable to realizations and powers are constant, and vulnerable to the words we say and don't say.

Why write this? Why say these words in the presence of youth and beauty? The answer is easy to answer and obvious to the ready spirit. 

It is important to simplify the lives of the young as best you can when possible with the truth, and what truth teaches from life to life!" - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 1.04.14

December 16, 2013
in raggedy short shorts!!!!

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