Thursday, February 15, 2018

Understanding the inhuman.

"After living hand to mouth for past 14 years with many inter-dispersed periods of literally needing to pray for our daily bread, I have learned that a HUGE component of poverty is not being able to make choices. When you are poor almost every decision you have is merely a reaction. Very seldom are you able to proactively choose something. Over time this lack of choice wears on you and feels incredibly oppressive, draining your energy and even your hope.

President Trump's proposed budget for 2019 makes fundamental changes to SNAP by delivering "boxed, shelf-stable milk, ready to eat cereals, pasta, peanut butter, beans and canned fruit and vegetables." President Trump is justifying these changes by claiming they will ultimately save the US taxpayer billions of dollars. But I am deeply concerned that diminishing peoples choice by delivering pre-packaged boxes of food will further erode the pride, and ultimately the humanity, of our citizens in need of assistance.

President Trumps proposed changes to SNAP are deeply out of touch and incredibly demeaning to the millions of working poor throughout our nation. I have long lost any expectation for Donald Trump to act Christ like, but as long as he is the President of our nation, I will continue to demand that he conduct himself humanely." 

- Mark Charles, scholar, Navajo nation 
Feb. 14, 2018 

IN Response: 

Nancy Blackman said, "It doesn’t just erode pride. There is a connection between what one puts into their belly and how their brain operates, not to mention what processed food does to your body. This is disgusting on so many levels and the reason why I believe things need to be changed! Sorry for the rant. I’m so passionate about this." 

Gregory E. Woods said: "Mark, I never had the expectation Trump would be Christ-like. But, I understand from experience what you have so painfully described above! A leader has to be human to understand the dynamics of a person's mental state struggling to live against all stack up against them in cities and towns. It is the spirit of policies that resonate with the spirit of those living close to the edge of a breakdown Donald Trump does not care to feel, or know..."

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