Tuesday, August 28, 2018

the Beauty of the...

perfect form and beauty of Diane Sawyer (l.) at Glamour Magazine Honors in 2010 !!!!

Pamela Gobert in 2010 was killed and eaten by the vampire that presently 
occupies what's left of her body. 

Perfectly fine woman's deep set eyes in this setting, 
this moment sets a tone defined by the old bike...

"[This] perfectly fine woman's deep set eyes in this setting, this moment sets a tone defined by the old bike. It is an old way of looking at the world through acquisition. It is the ethereal defining perception that alters the way a woman is seen, a lady is discerned amongst the conformity passing by the essence of the Feminine and the Art of the Feminine!..." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 8/28/18 

[The] eyes of this biker chick belittles in one glance, beckons the loins with another look, and holds spellbound another... This is a helluva a story to one type of man, to another it is an invite into a mysterious aspect of femininity. - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 8/28/18

Good God! This biker chick!! 

Vintage picture of a dare in an era of conservatism.

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