Sunday, May 30, 2010

lovers embrace

photo of Madison Parker & her girlfriend

"In the 1960's white folk were researching their behavior. It was a frightening task. The news broadcasts were more informative. There was no emphasis on gossip. It was straight news. The integrity of one's word was part and parcel to news journalism. The internal dialogue of whites was intense, and the feelings the hippie movement, the Civil Rights movement, AIM, and the feminist movements engineered weighed heavily on everyone's mind, and psyche.

Fear was a tangible element, and black folk liked to play with it. A lot of black revolutionaries got a lot of white women into bed through guilt. As the women languished between racial guilt, and shame they thrashed about in bed with one angry black man after another fucking his brains out as he justified it by claiming it was rape in retribution for what the white man did to black slaves on the plantation. The exchange was brutal. It tainted all involved, and no one knows how many black men Klansmen, red necks, or some angry white punk in a small town somewhere up north killed in silent retribution. The credibility of black revolutionaries was called into question if it came into the light that he had been sleeping with white women. Their justification was weak spoken aloud. Black women could see through that shit, and that was some shit!" -Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

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