Thursday, May 20, 2010


What I am exploring here is that Human touch alone is not the sole means of connectivity. That perhaps so much brutalization has caused the Human BEing to become seriously warped and distorted, taking even their touching of each others Lifeforce. Egoless touching of another BEing is not only possible it is what an unconditional reaching out can with purity and Soul cleanliness send without even the physical embrace. Ideally ANY TOUCHING WHICH BONDS US TO ANOTHER WILL BE PURE AND UNCONDITIONAL. I acknowledge Western experiments and theorums about Human attachment and damage which can occur from prolonged neglect. Such theorums are a more powerful way to examine present day nihilisms and outcomes of Slavery either from previous centuries, or in the present. Human touch in a climate of brutality is constantly held in suspicion, more often violent and/or abusive contextualized as it has become in a cess pit of compromise, ongoing unmet justice and equality; touch has become an altogether over sexualized under utilized moment of our existence.

Do we touch the planet with the same regard? Is this the kind of hug Capitalist Societies have given the so called Heathen? It marvels me that Western Scientists can organise theorums for which their own Parent Socieities have rarely applied to their own members and then ...offer these to the present day casualities of such social genocides, political brutalities, economic abuses and intellectual bastardizations.

Yes, in an ideal situation of course Lifetouch is an important aspect of bonding and attachment. Though culturally, this is where the similarities with Western theorums end. There is no existential focus for Cosmogonic and metaphysical implications where the dimensional self is seriously neglected and violated through Great Mother's 'disconnect' through Land theft and political atrophies. The primal touch of Mother to Child is indeed severed at its most esoteric and vital source: the Mother Land.

Bless the subject for what it can reveal, what it can unmask; yet let us move beyond insular Humancentric applications and understandings of what Lifetouch actually means in its diverse YOUniquenesses across Great Mother and directly in relation with her and Father Sky. Thankyou for stimulating this open ended dialogue of respect and exploration Sacred Kin.

Kua tae mai te wa hei huaki ka taka te kapa ...aana! Big Love Aroha e ...only Love in expansion Whanau Kin. -Mereana Taki

lover of thea

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