Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Evelyn Lory's elegance


"One truth states, "Each person has as much spiritual power unto themselves as the Great Spirit has for all people."

"Often our first teacher is our own heart."

"As we learn, truly learn, we change, and so does our perception."

"We never argue about one's beliefs."


First level of spirituality:

"The seeker must have the opportunity to hear and consider new knowledge."

Second level of spirituality:

"Challenged to put our learning into our walk...The energy for living out the truth is to be placed in the steps of life, rather than in the rooms of debate and discourse."

Third level of spirituality evolves from the first and second.  Love of and responsibility for community.  Listen to learn from Elders. We honor our Elders with our purpose and respect them with our patient listening.  We must listen beyond the obvious.  Often we are given doorways into the present and the future.

Fourth level of spirituality is not to be spoken of, or mentioned.  The Elders remind us of the good actions we are to take in life:

1. Seek out and learn our roots.
2. Follow our vision
3. Learn our lessons in life.
4. Always seek balance and harmony in life.

White Buffalo Calf Woman

Native man & his monkey eating guava

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