Friday, June 11, 2010

Native American art of Dana Tiger - Wolf Clan Rider

mystery symbol

I have been learning & enjoying stories as a boy, first, later a man and now myself a Keeper of Stories. I want to continue this experience learning new stories and asking questions of myself and ancestors. Ancestors become stories and the living listen to each others stories, and stories are told to children who will become more than old people and become Elders. Gregory E. Woods Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

mystique of a woman - Christine

Sweetgrass teaching

Walking in prayer and introspection have given me insights. Everything has a genesis. Our stories begin somewhere within and intrude or introduce themselves to the world as problems or gifts. The process of becoming a resilient creature begins with simple medicine in trying times. –Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

mystery of Celeste Morgan

“The passage of time is interested in development.” –Gregory E. Woods

1 comment:

  1. The painting was done by Rance hood. Dana Tiger paints in a very different style as well as very different subjects...
