Thursday, January 17, 2013

RESTORATION: Mother's Songs

I have heard the broken hallelujahs and sang a few lines (maybe) but we all have the ability to change the channel or sing our new song or sit in silence a while..we often fail to see the blessing of events at the time they occur but there is always a blessing in it...I say lets not wait or want a disaster to come together and enjoy this grand place (Earth) . There is another line to a song "..the hope is that we are still complaining.." or something like that..Again I say I hope that is not the hope..words can be many hopeful things around us..the Earth and Sun share ALL with us..why do any less than that Grand Example on how to be...the Sun is not slave to Earth and Earth is not slave to Sun...between Earth and Sky much goes on...we can become beautiful again...Feel the Earth song and enjoy it or sing along..some are trying to get the tune or the beat or the melody..anything..don't give up on us ...I love you all.. - Joan Sunday 8.24.12

"Women from the beginning have cut across all barriers and joined our sisters to be a light unto the daughters...we seek no treasures of the earth or recompense or men beat their drums to heaven or hell....we quietly or not quietly foster care upon mankind...and continue within a patriarchal world mind know within us we are not slaves and teach the daughters of the earth that this is true..." - Vivian Marquez 

Mother Earth energies 

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