Sunday, January 20, 2013


Jessica Chastain & Octavia Spencer played roles in the movie, THE HELP. The movie was set during the time period of the Civil Rights movement in the thick of it when whites were feeling the heat of change on the horizon. It burned then just as it burns now on the necks and brows of conservative white structures in the wake of the country voting President Obama back into office to continue the momentum of the changes in the culture, and the world's cry and muted plea for relief from the oppression of the ideologies and power of our brand of citizenship,  worldview and dominance, and impact! It is a strange and daring time we live in, but we are required to be present, attentive, and contributory forces in the mix engrossed in the dynamics of self-purification, restoration of sacred spaces, the Earth, our Mother, and the development of sustainable lifeways for people around us, first, and broader, in the world-at-large.

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Older Black woman opting to walk during the Montgomery, Alabama
bus boycott speaks to the times and the prospects of sacrifice for one's generations.
If a measurement of progress over time is evident in 2013 what is that standard?
How much African retention resides within the African-American of today, and how much more is devalued in today's world, and amongst African-Americans today?

My father says, "The healing of what ails white people is in the soul of the people they enslaved."
Where is the Healer in the enslaved?

 Gregory E. Woods,
Keeper of Stories

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