Tuesday, August 6, 2013


elegant beauty of singer & family activist Keyshia Cole

Build Yourself Up From The Inside Out
Dr. Sinclair Grey III

You have to love you if you want other people to love you. Let me say it this way. Work on your inner self and not judge yourself or your worth by what other people have. Too many times, people value their worth by material possessions and overlook the necessity of a great personality, mentality, and spirituality. What you wear doesn't make you all that. What you drive doesn't make you famous. And where you live doesn't make you superior to anyone. It's your relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords that matters.

The Bible tells us the story of the Prodigal Son and how he allowed the need for material gain to cloud his judgement. Eventually he came to his senses and uttered, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son." With his confession, his father forgave him and accepted him back into the family. The son realized it was better to be with his father than to impress others with material gain. That's my word for you. When you have a relationship with God and love yourself, you don't trip on the exterior because you're rich with the internal. No matter what you have, love yourself. [Note: if you're blessed with material possessions, don't you dare get big-headed. Always remain humble.] - 1.8.13

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