Saturday, August 10, 2013



Being a single mother and a business woman, I see the significance of this article.  I have not been an active member of the workforce for some time, but I did work a job for years that had no maternity leave, was based on a pay scale that left me behind my male counterparts, and had no sensitivity to the needs of my life as the primary and sole provider for my children.

I do disagree with the perspective of what has gotten better and what has gotten worse.

1. More reproductive control and sexual freedom allows us to enjoy safer sex with more partners—and to shape our careers and make more money without having to worry about an unintended pregnancy.
I can’t say that this is a plus for women. With the value of women, especially black women, being reduced to their looks, **** size, and how down they are in the bedroom, this “freedom” allows more room to involve ourselves in the activities of that thinking. We are not stronger because we can sleep around, but are more irresponsible and careless. The results can bee seen on television shows, books, women’s forums, and music. Women who freely give themselves over physically to men, and though they have no baby from their encounter, they still carry the seed of that which states to them that their pussy isn't adequate enough to get and keep a man. Where is the power and freedom in that?

2. Women’s participation in the workforce has increased dramatically, from nearly 40 percent in 1960 to over 60 percent today.
This is a kinda an obvious one to me. With the number of single parent homes dramatically increasing, it makes economic sense to allow women more opportunities in the workforce to decrease welfare recipients and therefore increase a morale in the home with a mother who is productive. I wouldn't say this is better though. Yes we hear children who are inspired by their hardworking mother to do better and succeed, but that is not the status quo. Women working jobs that are not conducive to raising a family. All types of hours, shifts, and even types of jobs potentially can damage the health of the mother and that of the family. If these “opportunities” where geared to the betterment of the quality of the family, I would say it is a win, but due the the state of the single family I can’t say this is “better”.

The things that have changed or gotten worse….women working harder and parenting becoming a sport. I am not sure what type of women this article was meant for, but every woman that I know works hard and more importantly finds a way to make the hard work she does pay off. We will not see the changes that were listed in number 3, until we become a socialist economy that is concerned about the state of the nation as oppose to the individual. And as far as parenting being made a sport, how is that bad. Who are the athletes that are successful in their sport. They are the ones who has done the research years before they enter into the realm. They get their bodies right, get their minds right, studies have shown those who have been successful when the times comes they are prepared. I would be hard pressed to find one women, including myself, who made such endeavors before having a child. We are so lazy at parenting and raising our children that it is pathetic. Parenting needs to be a sport and rewards and recognition should be given out. What is the true reward of a parent who has prepared a child with the characteristics of God. For some of you, you have looked at your failures in the eyes of your children, and are angry with them for how they are. That is because you never took what was needed to create them and shape them properly or were serious enough to work it like a gold medal and endorsement deal was on the other side.

I have never looked at feminism because I have always viewed it as a negative thing. Something that makes women stick out their chest, tape down their breast, and wear a ***** mentality that they can do what a man can. I am not a man and have no desire to do what he is designed to do. However, this has sparked a thought of how women, in my opinion, should operate in certain realms and how we in our lanes are more powerful than imitating a man any day." ~ X Blu Rayne

Queen Afua, priestess Wellness Center NYC

Roselyn Sanchez seated in white boots

sacred form of a pregnant black woman - Sunshine

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