Tuesday, October 8, 2013


The Patriot
The soldier. The American soldier vilified, noble, idealistic, and cannon fodder all rolled into one over used entity. It saddens me how badly it tears at the soul to realize exactly how you are perceived by your government in the midst of battle. I remember the sharp pain I felt during the so-called War on Drugs, as a police officer, when a young drug dealer yelled over his shoulder my direction, "You're being used just like me..."

- Gregory E. Woods

"Support our troops." 

"One of the more contradictory and unexamined phrases of our time. The manifestation of what it actually means separate from the sentimentality it engineers is the stark reality of what ails our nation, and why a number of countries (including Korea) are sending missionaries to live and work in the United States." - Gregory E. Woods 10.8.13

"Funny how none of you "Patriots" have ever spent a day in uniform. and you SAY you support The Troops while approving a reduction in money for the V.A. which takes care of those Troops. so why DO you hate Veterans ?" - Gulf Watch  10.4.13

"What patriots are you referring to? I'm a patriot. Do you have something to tell me?" - Ron Aragon

"Ron, most people who call themselves Patriots have not worn a uniform, but seem to want our Soldiers in constant deployment for combat. they risk nothing while sending others out to risk it all. they attempt to lay The Flag over their shoulders and "say" they are supporters of The Troops. those same Patriots then say we need to reduce the amount of money spent ON those Troops, in the form of equipment, or health care for those injured in combat. the SAME combat those same Patriots rally to have happen. The vicious circle here is this - if True Patriots really Do support The Troops, its going to HAVE to include what happens when those Troops return home.

Patriots who say they support a De-Funding of the V.A. show they are anything BUT a Patriot. and Ron, just to be absolutely clear, I was one of those Troops for ten years, was deployed into combat, was wounded, returned and continued to serve, then was NOT treated by the V.A. when I finally got out; all the while I heard so called Patriots talking out of both sides of their mouths saying they supported the Troops, BUT did NOT support the funding it took to take care of those Troops by the V.A. Makes me wonder what they think the word Patriot really means. And NONE of them ever put on a uniform; none made the sacrifice, BUT they felt they could limit or erase what WE did and piss all over it. do you get that ? - Gulf Watch 10.4.13

... a letter written almost 2 months ago outlining the Republicans efforts to do ANY thing to get their way, including DEFUNDING the govt. read it yourself:  http://palazzo.house.gov/.../meadows_defundletter.pdf - Gulf Watch

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