Sunday, June 8, 2014

Black Indians And Intertribal Native American Association

My Black Don't Crack

Walking the Red Road

In 1986 when I started Binay AKA Black Indians And Intertribal Native American Association. I have to admit I knew we would get flack. Also, we would stir up the world. I knew that it was something burnt in my heart because Creator had put it in my heart. Now nearly 30 years later I still find it that people have a problem with the word black in front of Indian. So maybe I can shed a little bit of why I feel this is a good thing.

Everyone knows about Natives, Whites, Blacks, Chinese  and so forth. But most do not know about Blacks and Natives. Now the reason why you see the Black Ancestry come through so much in a mixed blood Native with Afro inside of them is because those who came over here of African pure blood was the strongest Africa had in Genetic pool. Just think of the rigoress atrocities they went through to get chosen, then weened out and then cast inside a boat like sardines and those who where weak died off and those who where of the strongest breed and strongest health and strongest spirit and strongest of everything inside of them to live on were the ones that made it here....................

With that said, being of such strong genetics if you mixed with anyone of a different race you would see the stronger gene show up in the children. And thought that is thinning out quite a bit as we all mix that is the way it was in early America.

The Colonials gave the 5 so called Civilized tribes thousands of pure African Slaves to assimilate them. Those who married had children and thus here you and I are: Black or African Indian. I love the word Black its full of Power and Might its the best of Africa!! Its awesome Word and though we are not from Indian we are associated with the Native word. So we are BlackIndians!! And those who don't like it must contend with the truth and facts that we exist and we are a Proud people. Moving forward with Power spirit and heart to keep our ancestry alive.

I had a Hidatsa Mandan woman enroll her children onto our tribal rolls of our association and when I asked her why she said I love my children and they are Black Indians. I also had a Hawaiian woman enroll her daughters into our tribe because of the same reason. We are a people who do not need BIA to tell us who we are. We are who we are not by choice but by Creation by our Creator. And so we must accept ourselves and we a people who can shine a light into darkness and make aware that which is not known. That our people exists and alive and well today.

Yes, 30 years ago I created our own Tribal rolls long before Katz wrote Black Indians a Hidden Heritage and long before those books came out because I saw the problems of racism at Pow wows and festivals and events where Black Natives where shunned. I didn't like what I saw and made sure that just because I had long hair and red-brown skin I made sure that those at the drum with me treated those with African Blood were treated equally. That is why I formed It was time to create our own way keeping our ancestry in tacked and making sure that we continued in our ancestors foot steps. I love the word Black Indian because its empowerment of two great people who forged themselves together to create a great people. I love the word blackindian because it speaks of a duality that sings to my spirit that says I know who I am, and I am proud. And I do not have to chose to be one or the other. But I can be who our Creator created me to be and that is the love and power of them both.

Can you say that about other races? Sure you can, if that's what you want to do but no one has our legacy and it takes Black + Indians to = BlackIndians. That is who we are.

Comments welcomed

Chief Jerry Eaglefeather

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