Saturday, August 2, 2014

11th COMMANDMENT: Reconcile the Victorian magic

Victorian Circus style of

"The Victorian era extended into these times would have been incapable of allowing the full expression of the African Woman in its midst! It couldn't have born her freedom of movement, her intellect, or her spiritual attachment to divinity, or her ability to birth freedom in her children, and her men. The adherents to the spirit of the Victorian era could not have appreciated, loved, admired, or emulated the fluidity of the African woman's body, her loosened hair, nor the outspoken spirits of African women freely moving in contrasting ideologies away from a people addicted to form, and terrified of formlessness.

Terrified of death the adherents to the Victorian principles could not imagine formlessness, or endure imagining it. That is an astonishing fact to consider knowing how the Euro-Americans administered death, and insisted upon conformity to form consistently in their reigns of terror throughout their centuries of power upon the planet.

The best of today's African, and African-American and the others throughout the African Diaspora need to grasp this long enough to look into their children hearts, and into their grandchildren's eyes to see why they should shake themselves free of ideologies and theological teachings foreign to their ideal self, and the core, the essence of who they are to answer their grandchildren's sure-to-come- questions, and recognize their children have the right to examine who we have become in the African Diaspora. Without self-examination hope, and posssibility are doomed, are confined to conforming to forms foreign to their original designs!" - Gregory E. Woods 6.4.13

... such a beautiful woman at such a beautiful time in her life!
Phemy Williams on her 50th birthday. May 27, 2010.

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