Sunday, March 13, 2016

PRACTICE 43: born to be guided



"I am always struck, and understanding of the way people strike out on their own to find their way to who they are. For some the answer to their why questions are elusive. Another group were guided by the insights and wisdom of their parents in such an understanding way the child became an adult without illusions standing around their why question. Childhood to adulthood should be an initiatory process of ceremonies and rituals, but Western society dismisses the tradition for the pitfalls of adolescence as a better alternative. 

Growing up is either easy or hard, but always in comparison to someone else it is harder or easier. What is most important in navigation is knowing your starting point and destination. A second consideration is a feel for the landscape if traveling by land, and an understanding of water if by sea, river, or ocean. The energies of the Earth, our Mother, and the Waters are both female energies, and as tradition would have it require the traveler to leave an offering to each spirit initially, and to proceed with less caution and more trust in the process of discovery. This is the best way to start any journey, and the truest form of one's destiny. If you ever wondered what destiny looks like it looks like it feels." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 1.15.14


"Predators look into young people's eyes and see a chance to prey upon innocence they remember being taken from them. Preyed upon themselves devotion to development for the sake of enhancing life is far removed from the crudeness of their need to subjugate human spirits. 

The predator is a devourer and knows how a child enters the world is dependent upon factors outside of his or her control. Hopefully, a young adult learned to fight from the inside out because the predator's work begins with the inner man. . ." - Gregory E. Woods 1.15.14


"Too often young people mistakenly believe the road to success is a solo excursion, at least for a while they do. Guided by a dream of self is a better compass." - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories


"There are four things at twenty years of age the body knows precious little about: the private things of divinity, the role of play in their development up to this point in life, the mysterious aspect of growth and potential, or how to consciously store up energies. Most important is the creation of power within the body. It is a spiritual skill deceptive in its nature because the Trickster has convinced many that sex appeal is a primary tool to advancement. The Trickster knows better.

The body is a body of knowledge that comes from and is reflective of a body of Earth knowledge and energies and is primarily a composition of universal principles bound and devoted to the creative process of creating new life by word. It is the word that creates life, and over existence is the mystery of living deep and in abundance. This body of knowledge is the appeal of sexual energies." - Gregory E. Woods 1.15.14

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