Thursday, June 9, 2016

SHE forces us to see

naked Black woman working in bedroom at what is a question to naturally top the list of questions.

"Our Strengths and truths are sometimes invisible to us. In our Journey, the inclination is to look around not knowing the answer is always to look within."  - Dodinsky


Gayle Georgina Uyuni, the mysterious 
May 10, 2011 · 

"Our society has not strengthened its children with the power to believe that the answers are within. Everything we do to find answers from doing a Google search to talking with a friend is external. We need to learn how to go inside, how to connect with the infinite intelligence of the universe and bring our intuition to the surface. The people we look at as successful are the ones who have mastered how to motivate and create from inside. Steve Jobs did not do a Google search to create the iPhone. Neither did the creators of Google.

Learn how to go within, connect with the universe and have the courage to manifest these dreams in reality. This will change the world. This is happiness!!!" Kevin Greene  July 5, 2015

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