The question on the table amongst men on the
Men's Page is probing into how we see women venturing into what many feel should remain the exclusive domain of masculinity: professional body building.
There is an aerial shot of
Cindy Landolt sitting in a chair, head down. Her thick black hair covers her face at an angle. She is in a nice bikini and all of her muscles are tensed showcasing a developed body of tanned muscle. It is a sexy pose typical of a woman sitting in way to seduce and attract men. But, it doesn't work for a lot men. Hear what they say without the presence of women, like Oprah, getting in the way of how men really feel, think and respond to stimuli.
The moderator simplified the whole process of thoughtful reaction, and gut churning reaction with a question in the vernacular of the times: "Would you BLAZE it?" That means have sex with her?
First man: "
You know what the problem is so many men on here want to judge and talk about this woman, because this woman have muscle and her body mass is muscular, but then today she still a woman and she still beautiful so hell yeah I'll get it on with her."
Second man: "If I want to lay down with a woman that looks like a man by the body. I may as well just turn gay. And that's not me taking a poke at gay people I'm just saying I want my woman to look like a woman."
Third man: "Never....its unnatural....he man...made her self ugly her no issue in saying it she is artificial n ugly....Its against nature."
Fourth man: "I would try it those pussy muscles are strong ass hell!"
Fifth man said, " I can hear her now saying .....Oh I'm cumming in a scary old man voice."
Sixth man said, "I feel like if you said no she gone blaze you lmfao. that's fucking disgusting tho."
There were a lot of comments about how they would have sex with her, what were the possible ways she could beat them up. Did she squirt and if so would squirting deflate her muscle mass? There was curiosity that meant they'd have sex with her to see what it would be like. One man like many fear a sex change happened in the course of the woman's workouts, and women like her that changed her into a man, or some sort of a man. All, and all, not a man was concerned about, cared, or was interested in her soul.
Another man said what most men feel. " I couldn't, women are supposed to be soft."
We have all read or seen interviews about this sport: fitness training and bodybuilding. I am not going to balance the conversation with the opinions women hold on this subject, nor will I interject the conservative notions of religious women on the subject, or the more liberal type of women who pride themselves invading the domains of men. I won't intervene on behalf of women to say things that will charge women with the sense I am in touch with my feminine side, and God, no! I will not venture into the whole gay thing that insists on finding ways into discussions about male/female dynamics!
Men have barber shops, titty bars, and cigar bars left as the exclusive domain for men only. Women will find their way into our spaces, but they are regulated to the fringes because men, we need our own spaces to feel the world in the context of strong masculinity unfiltered and monitored by our women, and social norms that too often violate the sacredness of what is and needs to be manhood!
For the men who like to golf, or fish or hunt or girl watch we like to bring our sons with us to experience the activities shared with our flesh and blood who will grow up aching to grope girls, and screw women who have a hold on something every real man wants, and thinks about. Our boys don't need to be around feminine men to be men. Their fathers will teach them about protecting the weak as the relationship between fathers and sons carries out its tasks and has adventures.
Our sons need to feel what real men are, and what that energy is for without explanations and definitely without the complaints and judgment from the likes of people like Oprah banging in our heads like pots on pans about what they think a man should be. Boys need to know what to fight for, and who to fight and who he should lay his life down for as a man when and if the need arises from the clinches of war, and life's conflicts. A boy needs to learn how to steal to be able to spot a thief. A man may have to kill someone so a father takes him on that journey. A boy needs to learn how and when to kill, and needs to learn healing modalities to restore life.
A boy needs his father to emulate and a father needs to pass down to his son all he learned and to show his son how to be himself, be a man and take care of his mother and be a brother to his sisters. A boy needs to learn how to love from his father after the years of his mother showering him with her love. A boy needs to learn how to love like a man who loves himself and how to love women. A boy needs to learn what is gentle and soft as a man feeling the texture of the woman he loves returning her love for him to his soul. A boy needs to learn how to seduce a woman, and provide for her and learn how to manipulate in the world those who need to be manipulated and how to be honest in a corrupted world. A boy needs to know how to give another man an ass whipping when he asks for one and how to repair broken relationships. A man needs to learn that at some point, for the sake of his family how to negotiate with the devil to get what he needs.
How does a boy protect? He learns to develop the impulse within him from his father and the men his father gathers around him. A man is his friends.
Balancing the elements, feminine and masculine, within a man comes along with each of the above listed endeavors. It is a learned practice taught from the priest-craft of a boy's uncles, grandfathers and his father. When it is time for a woman to be a part of this the father will let both son and wife know when it is time, and who else is to come in and contribute to the process of his son ascending into his manhood!
Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
Feb. 4, 2017
Fitness model and athlete, Cindy Landolt. |
Bad Ass Fitness Chicks