Saturday, December 26, 2009


“It is sad that a man of such impeccability, and commitment to the highest standards in many areas of his life attracted the lowest elements of the female into his life, and became a whipping post for millions of people unable to conduct their lives with such a high level of commitment to excellence. His actions tell a story. He stands with Elegba at the crossroads. May he leave an offering as he contemplates his next right step, learning to heal as a priest-warrior over himself before he can move to stabilize his family. It takes great strength, and enormous weakness to see the places within that waited to be recognized. Those elements have waited to be called into service. I know the feeling of exposure. The Hunter’s sense understands these things and takes it in stride with difficulty. My prayers are with him hoping to assist in his transition from this place to the next place closer to where he needs to be a man among men. Tiger Woods cannot be alone. His ancestors, his Muse, his medicine, and the connections with the Earth he has golfed on have been talking to him. Perhaps they will be heard.” -Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods

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