Tuesday, December 15, 2009


"From whatever side we see someone the fact remains that we all have sides to us. We are all complex, and seen from any angle we look different to everyone who looks at us. In the end the questions are did we live the dream given to us? How did we love, and how did we make people feel when we were in their lives?

As an African-Indian I had many problems with Oral Roberts and men like him, but recognize, I did, his strengths, and took to heart the things I learned from him. His life and works were teachers to a student of his life. It takes great courage to live a life of purpose before the entire world. It takes the same amount of courage, and force to live and work within the space of a smaller sphere of influence, and for that he was worthy of study. He represents what has been the bane of my existence as an Indian and a Black American but he was a man, like others, with gifts, or insights that assist the growth of anyone who lives in a constant state of learning.

There is a lot of hurt in the comments I have read online that tells a lot about how his ministry, and stance in the world affected them. There are a lot of believers who benefited directly from the side of the man that enhanced people’s lives. If anything Oral Roberts is guilty of being complex, focused, committed, and in the public eye under more scrutiny than most of us could bear. Oral Roberts is a man worthy of our praise and our contempt. He earned it." -Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Oral Roberts as an older man of God

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