Sunday, March 7, 2010

RELIGION: women's views

"religion has destroyed the hearts and souls of man. religion is merely a manifestation that man used to control the masses. in some degree it served a purpose to set rules as to how we treat our fellow man and the earth, and this is applicable to all religions. but they seem to have taken it way beyond that. all religions entail the struggle of power between the multi races of the earth. their only god now is the dollar, who ever has that has the power

i follow no false idol. my god and creator is mother earth. she and only she sustains my life and that of my children. she is what we must fear and respect. she is not a figment of man's imagination. she is real. we can see, hear, touch and feel her. she is our lifes blood." -Judith Stubbs

"Judith, I agree with your words. Religion has destroyed many lives and it is about power not about believing in God. To me Earth is our Mother - very powerful and loving - The Great Spirit is even more powerful and wise and as we are trying to ascend so does Mother Earth and probably also the other planets and beings in the Universe....everyone on the path of raising vibrations, raising and light."Sylvia Foidl

"I am often struck by the contrasts revealed in these discussions between women and men. Often we, men, don't recognize, embrace, or contact the Earth energy. The Western mind naturally spoofs, or ignores the sensitivity of the Mother's soul inclined to the healing elements the masculine energy tramples upon in war, through religion, and acquisition." - Gregory E. Woods


  1. dawn wolf thankyou for your appreciation of my thoughts and presenting this page so beautifully
    this story was given to me by my ancestors
    our mother earth evolves through vibrations that are woven together to form creation and balance....

    like a song which is made up of many different frequencies and notes played by the musicians.

    creation is also made up of many different vibrations woven together like a song....

    the trees - water - plants - minerals and animals are held together by the weaving of the tones of creation.

    humanities role is to move the energy necessary to weave the vibrations together much like a conductor, to form creation based upon earths dream..

    in the dreamtime the ancestors sang creation into manifestation, they sang the mountains valleys and hills they sang the rivers lakes and oceans

    the sky, water, plant and mineral kingdoms participated each having a unique and voice in the dance of the creation of life

    it was then humanities reponsibility to repair and manage the energetic movememnts of the tones..... moving through creation keeping everything in balance unity and harmony..... each kingdom supports each other in the dance through a connection

    eg.. the plant kingdom provides oxygen that supports the existence of the humans... and humans provide carbon dioxide to the plant kingdom...

    all of creaton existed in a state where there was no separation of physical, energetic and nonphysical...everything was in balance... everything was whole. this state of being is often referred to in many different beliefs such as paradise, heaven,nirvana or the dreamtime

    such an existence is within the genetic memory of all humans...

    in ancient times earths dream was manifested into creation.......

    the mineral and crystal kingdoms were bound together by the and ether....and life began

    earths dream is based upon her desire for evolution, growth and understanding of her spiritual connection to man...

    humans were the dream-keepers and dream weavers

    the dream keepers were the visionaries they relayed the earths dreams to the weavers and the weavers kept the web of life connected...

    the mineral kingdom is able to move large amounts of energy and when focused with human intent provides the tones and energy necessery for regeneration and support of the whole....

    at the same time humans can also move energy and tones that can and have caused great harm and destruction...

    he believed himself to be greater than earths dreaming...he envisioned his own dream ...ignored and neglected earths dream....

    man has fractured earths dream weaving separated the physical from the non-physical he has shattered manifestation-creation instead of unity and evolution....separation- and destruction has been the result.....

    our web is now fragmented and our journey is now one of pain-fear-anger and humanity is lost and alone in a world of our making

    mother earth lost control of her dreams as humans have pushed her to the brink....

    but as all cycles go ...her darkest days are over as she awakens to regain control of her dream....she refuses to be destroyed or sacrificed...she has begun her healing

    an uprising of human conscience and spiritual connection to the earth has emerged

    to understand and overcome darkness and destruction must experience it

    as one understands and overcomes darkness and destruction then they can never be destroyed

    do not feel guilty or blame yourselves for feeling fragmented and disconnected.... you were born into a fractured world

  2. Amazingly, this dream makes itself accessible to children. Thank you letting this rememberance move into from the Dreamtime into a space to be touched by intellect, and thought.
