Tuesday, July 23, 2013


photo & concept: Mike Zimmer
make up:  Karina Seidle


This is terrifying. Imagine stumbling in the bathroom in a house you don't belong and find this woman raising from the tub half full of blood looking at you with a baleful stare. Her eyes have no affirmation or kindness just a direct penetration. You don't know how to tell if she has a soul, will turn into something, knows or cares to know who you are. You have no feel of who she is or what is in her, but you cannot move from where you stand transfixed, terrified, and knowing you'd better get out.

Then a footstep lands heavily on the top stair. There was no preceding sound ascending the stairs just the sound of a heavy boot landing on the old wood at the top of the stair. You'd made the same sound, but after climbing the stairs.

"What the hell is that? What do I do? How in the — ?"

The door opens. There was no other step. How did he get from there to here?


You can barely hold your mouth close. You can't breath. The stench of iron in the blood, your terror, your vulnerability, and the simple fact you don't belong and shouldn't have stepped into someone else's house hits hard, and home.

The door opens, and the only reprieve is the short length of time it takes from the sound of fingers touching the peeling paint on the bathroom door until the opening door stops hiding the man's frame in the door. © Gregory E. Woods 12.22.12

by Mike Zimmer

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