Thursday, October 18, 2012



In my library I have a study that disturbs me. I cannot remember the title, but it is the end result of governments hiring a firm to create possible scenarios of what could happen if such and such a condition were allowed to follow its natural course. I had great difficulty with the findings from the questions about women’s future in the next century. This study was conducted in the 1990's.

In their findings they followed the trend of women's well earned and fought for freedoms, and predicted that with the rise of the conservative agendas the first thing to be attacked and reversed would be the gains of women. This would be a worldwide phenomenon. The predictions were shattering to me thinking about the futures of my then young teenage daughters.

The predictions are coming to pass throughout the planet, and predictably there is an outcry from the 'liberated women, and men in the United States' to the degree that it should be. There are a lot of women, American, Indian, Malaysian, Korean, etc., fighting to be free at the cost of their lives. Keeping this in mind, why do the Americans that do vote vote men into power over their lives, whose open agenda is against our mothers, our wives, daughters, and grandmothers? © Gregory E. Woods

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