Thursday, October 18, 2012


How crazy does a woman have to be to be taken seriously? How crazy does a woman have to be to ward a man off and away? Men will go for a crazy woman with an incredible whatever: behind, face, breasts. It doesn't matter to a lot of men because pussy is warm. It's inviting. Its mystical properties are clearly drawn, but perceptions, and hurt, and rage or disrespect will make pussy look like something else besides who She is, and She is a she. How did women and men learn to use the word pussy to denote weakness; contemptible weakness, an insult to manhood? Women call men pussies if they project weakness, but pussy can drain a man rendering him weak. Pussy can pull a man out of reasons into the drive to be in the pussy so how weak is pussy? Is pussy weak or the man weak? Is the women stronger than a man because she has a pussy, or is a man stronger because he has to have pussy

Pussy asks a lot of questions, and the answers often come unbidden in throes of passion. When a man ejaculates his heart opens and he will say what his heart says to him underneath the denial and the lust and the anger and the need. 

" I love you." 
"I need you." 
" I want you."
"I can't live without you."

Are we talking to the woman, the Pussy, the Creator, or all three at the same time when we come?

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
July 26, 2012 

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