Monday, October 29, 2012


Odess Moondragon HP, 10-21-05
By the way, I'm 69, soon to be 70 (insert scream here) and Mom will be 97 on 11-1.Witches Cove
She then takes your hand and leads you over to the big cauldron and motions for you to look into the deep pool of darkness to see what you need to see or need to know. After you have done this, She turns you around to walk back to where you were sitting, but as
you do so, you notice that the forest has opened up once again and that everyone is leaving. The hounds are sitting at the edge of the woo
ds waiting for their Mistress. Hecate smiles at you, and assures you silently that everything will be all right. You then realize that She has always been with you.

She turns to leave and as She does so, She lifts up her arm and the Owl flies down to once again perch on Her arm. After She has gone, you sit and think of all that you have learned this very magickal night. You hear the howling of the hounds, and this awakens you from your meditation.

After a few minutes have passed, Hecate approaches, and as She does so, her face keeps changing from maiden, to the mother, and to the crone, because there are many faces of Hecate, as She is the three and the one. As She stands before you, her face stops changing and rests the way you see Her. You look deep into her eyes and you see the key that unlocks the door to the mysteries. As you look deep within, you realize that it is the reflection of your own eyes that you see with the key and that you yourself hold the key to unlock those mysteries. You realize that it is you who has to look within your own soul for the answers.

As you feel comforted at that, you notice movement from the corner of your eye that someone is coming out from within the forest. The trees seem to part on their own. You watch as an old woman walks out from the forest with an owl perched on her arm. You are drawn to her eyes, which seem to be deep dark pools of wisdom. She walks with a cane made from a Yew tree with a crystal sitting on top of it, and feathers are hanging down the side. You know from the power that resonates from this woman that She is Hecate. She lifts her arms, and the Owl leaves her to fly over to you. Listen to the words of wisdom of what the owl has to share with you.

The breeze really picks up now, and as you watch, out from the forest comes friends and family you have known from other lifetimes, and in this lifetime, but have passed over, and they come into your circle. Sit and wait to see if any of them come to talk with you, giving you a chance to clear things up, or to say the words that remained unspoken when they passed over. If nothing is said, do not worry. They are there to let you know that you are never really alone.

Now sit in silence and see yourself sitting in a sacred circle out in the woods.There is a briskness in the air. In the middle of your circle is a fire burning and you can smell the burning of the wood and the heat from the fire. 

A cauldron sits hanging over the fire with a bubbling brew in it. The sweet scent of sage fills your nostrils. Everything is still.....nothing moves. All you hear are 
the creatures of the night.

Suddenly, the energy shifts, and you feel as if someone is there. The air begins to stir, you feel a slight breeze across your face. The dried leaves on the trees begin to rustle and then the wooded forest seems to open on its own accord. Out walks three hounds. They seem wild, but something tells you not to be afraid on them. The hounds walk into your circle, and although they sit, they are forever watchful. Each one is looking in a different direction.

Owls are sacred to Hecate and screech their loudest in November and then are silent until February. They are messengers to Hecate and She has given them the gift of prophecy, hence their reputation for wisdom, the crone wisdom of the Goddess.

When performing a Samhain ritual, many Witches invoke Hecate, as Samhain is a time when the veils between the worlds are at their thinnest. The living and the dead co-mingle, and we can talk to departed souls and learn the mysteries of Hecate's kingdom. For this is Her festival, just as the dead are her realm.

Hecate is the Greek goddess of black magic and the keeper of the keys to the underworld
. Often called the goddess of SHADES (ghosts), Hecate appears entwined with snakes and is associated with pain and suffering. In some representations, Hecate has three heads and can look in all directions at the same time. She is feared not only for her powers as a witch but because she could also cause sickness, infertility, and insanity. A minor goddess, Hecate has been called the mistress of "everything dark and uncanny."

At night, especially during the new moon, Hecate leaves the infernal regions and roams the earth with an army of dead souls and a pack of hounds of hell. The sound of howling dogs is a warning that Hecate is nearby. During the daylight hours and when the moon is full, Hecate is confined to the depths of the underworld, where she plans her future exploits. - 
Odess Moondragon 


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