Monday, July 15, 2013

All she said was, "HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!"

Cathy McCarthy by Nate Hassler
May 27, 2013

This nation's propensity for making war needs to be examined. Whether someone says, "Happy Memorial Day" as a salutation is of little consequence against the backdrop of what our national history is about: war, conquest, and killing.

I am still reeling from the recent invasions of ours as recent as the early 1990's into Iraq, the betrayals in the name of 'protecting our interests' the world over, the many countries we've bombed since 1980, and worse, and before the 500 nations we've invaded, subjugated  or wiped off the face of the Earth before the start of the 20th century! There are so many things to weigh on the subject of war, and patriotism, which I hold in low esteem against these facts. 

I live in the nation's capital, and the majority of the tributes in the form of monuments are happy declarations about our wars. We celebrate war, and its heroes. It is the American way. It is our way of remaining secure in the knowledge that deep introspection into our need to kill and take will not take place as a national form of practice. What is the point of making our young people feel guilty about using the word happy before the phrase, Memorial Day? What are we requiring of our young women to feel about themselves, their wombs, and the divinity of their capacity to birth sons and daughters? President Bush made it very clear that the voices of Mothers was not to be weighed and considered in the matter of the invasion of Iraq, or any invasion.

I remember this moment as clearly as every thinking woman should remember that moment, and the woman who forced his administration to say what has always been implied by the men who govern war, and stir dictatorial patriotism into the 'gung ho' enthusiasm of our young men who haven't a chance to think and consider what the wombs they come from have to feel and say about our need to kill and take, and call it war! 

It is nonsense being upset that someone isn't caught up in the minuate of pretending to be patriotic. Criticizing Cathy McCarthy's word usage is an attempt to continue the tradition of non-thinking in respect to war, and our talent at creating wars without repentance! ~ Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 6.18.13

Cathy McCarthy
May 21, 2013

You have no reason to apologize, young woman. You are a woman. Whether you are in touch with what that means I don't know, but I am speaking to your powers of birth, which should place you in the position to decide whether we go to war or not. Warmongers want women to birth, and send their son's to die for invasions not based on righteous principles, and be conciliatory, and patriotic spouting empty slogans to the tune of our national anthem!

What mother can justify the pain of knowing what is right against what they are told is right? It is the wombs we come from that bear the death of a child, not the pride of a nation, or the profits of a corporation, or an ideal unbalanced by the energies or perspective of wholeness. ~ Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 6.18.13


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