Thursday, December 5, 2013

an African Choctaw GRANDFATHER'S STORY

Talking to my three year old grandson this weekend. 12.5.12

Him: "I need that big light on!"...

ME: "Why do you need that big light on if you are going to sleep? Isn't the lamp enough light for you to go to sleep?"

HIM: "No, Because I need to see"

ME: "But if you are sleeping it is already dark in your don't see the light...your eyes are too closed to see the light"

HIM: "But, no...I need to see!

ME: "If I close my eyes, I cannot see this light...all I see is the dark in my head...see, watch, I am closing my eyes.......look......all I can see it the dark already in my head. Close your eyes and see what you see."
(he closes his yes and breaks out into a big grin....when he opened his eyes, they sparkled and looked like this picture of the Sun...right in front of my eyes he had an epiphany!)

We both laughed in the wonderful dimness of the lamp...he went to sleep, and I sat there in amazement at witnessing his brain work in live time. - Almas Jamil Sami'

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