Thursday, December 5, 2013

BALANCE THOUGHT: a commandment

"I hope your words go deep into the core and consciousness of many of the thousands who read your posts, Sinclair. When the military industrial complex needs to sell a war to the American public the Church is courted  in large part because of the lack of critical thinking found in church after church, and the typical lay person's insufficient depth of knowledge of critical subjects. This glaring lack of a grasp, I should say, of the historical context of many core issues makes easy the challenge of getting political support and consent from the Church to do the dirty deeds in the name of the American public and the American government.
Ignorance is not bliss. People die from it. I know you are only one man, but it takes one to chase a thousand." - Gregory E. Woods 9.5.13

"Never ever think that intelligence isn't cool. Let me say it this way. Whenever you're able to think for yourself, critically analyze problems, situations, and circumstances, and come up with sound reasoning, you're going places. Whoever discourages you from using your mind is insecure and threatened of you. I declare that the people of God must use their minds more, read more, and begin to question things more often. Reading breeds intelligence. The Bible declares, "Intelligent people want to learn, but stupid people are satisfied with ignorance." That's my word for you. Learn as much as you can. Never get tired of stretching your mind because the more you stretch your mind, the more you'll understand." - Dr. Sinclair Grey III

big Black model in colorful mini!!!!

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