Thursday, January 9, 2014


CNN’s ‘The Situation Room’ commentator Marc Lamont Hill is angry A&E brought Duck Dynasty back??

I don't know where to begin. First, we are capitalists, and the value of a person is based upon what he/she brings to the table. In short, what is the value the Robertson family brings to the market place?

Second on the list: I read the article several times paying attention to every word with an understanding of many things about American culture and history that were glossed over in every discussion I've heard or read since this controversy hit the news! The effect of the GQ article was revelatory. But, the myopic approach to contrary responses to homosexuality, and Gay activism is losing a lot of credibility with thinkers, and warrior spirits because the now popular myopic approach has reduced a complex issue into mere bullying. Old Man Robertson hit on more than one point, and sticking to the subject at hand he pointed to unaddressed questions pointing out points avoided by the sales professionals selling the acceptance of homosexuality. In today's jargon accusing someone of homophobia has become a way of avoiding the deep discussions the subject demands and millions of 'victims' need to address in their spirits, and intellects. Cats like Marc Lamont come across like whiners. If he is going to be on the front lines man up, and be a man about it!

The third point of contention I have is in the first paragraph of the GQ article. In the first paragraph the author laid out a foul insult to women and there wasn't an outcry! That alone trumped everything else. Phil Robinson revealed views of the world from the perspective of a Southern white man who lived before integration was law. His view is important, but the nature of American culture is one of the Devourer, and does not allow collective healing to occur because 'business is business' (whatever that means)! I say this because the Civil War wounds are open as wide as they were during the historical period of 1865 thru 1875, and we collectively tolerate that indignity, money is made from that culture, and we have the nerve to scoff at their views, which are fundamental to what is collectively viewed by the world-at-large as American!

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 1.6.14

the Cycle of Abundance

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