Monday, February 17, 2014


Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker 

"Honoring religious leaders--Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker was a chief strategist and one of the key architects of the 1960-64 civil rights campaigns. He was a part of “Project C”, the mass march in Birmingham, Alabama that served as a blueprint for civil rights campaigns and drew international attention. His activism led to him being arrested over 17 times.

He is noted for his part in a televised debate with Malcolm X about civil rights. Rev. Walker served as a branch president of the NAACP, Executive Director of SCLC and as State Director of the Congress of Racial Equality."


 Bernard Lee 

"Bernard Lee was a courageous student activist, a founding member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). While attending Alabama State University (ASU), he led a sit-in at the Alabama state capitol cafeteria. He was expelled from ASU for the event after the governor threatened the university president, saying he would withhold funding from the HBCU if Lee was not expelled. 

So, he transferred to Morris Brown College to work with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and Dr. King, where he contributed to the Poor People’s Campaign and was at Dr. King’s side after his assassination. Lee later worked for the U.S. Government under President Carter and for Washington D.C. under Mayor Barry." 

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