Monday, April 18, 2016

Her process . . .

Maat Petrova circa 2010 6 months after having her last daughter said,
"I could have worn the tank top underneath the shirt but I felt so sloppy in the midriff,
I was 185lbs & breastfeeding so those hormones kept my body soft."

Circa 2010 maybe 6 months after having my last daughter. I could have worn the tank top underneath the shirt for this photo shoot but I felt so sloppy in the midriff, as I was 185lbs (now 165) and breastfeeding so those hormones kept my body soft and cellulitey. I hated it! Hence the big shirt to hide. No I didn't mind my size but when it starts to get fat and bulging on my waist and stomach I can't do it. And yes I'd like to spot reduce by just getting rid of the gut but that's just not how fat loss works. The key is to build muscle in isolated areas(abs, butt, legs arms) and lose overall body fat. Let me teach you how! at Refinement Beaut Camp. - Maat Petrova, July 18, 2014 



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