[On the surface American Christians sound 'right' and justified vilifying Arabs, and those against Israel because of the Bible, and what is said in the Bible. It all incites self-righteous attitudes dipping its adherents towards a dogma, with a notion of supremacy over reasonable objections to the stance made by those in the so-called Army of the Lord.] ~ Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
The children of Gaza and the Profits from their Genocide.
from "The International Times, the newspaper of resistance."
“The Israeli-Arab conflict is to the wider global war of civilizations what Off Broadway is to Broadway. It is the small laboratory where trends get tested out first, or are perfected, and then go global.” - Thomas Friedman, New York Times, 1 February 2014.
“That there are men in all countries who get their living by war, and by keeping up the quarrels of Nations is as shocking as it is true…” – Thomas Paine
A bearded old man holds a placard:
“You take my water, burn my olive trees,
“Destroy my house, take my job, steal my land,
“Imprison my father, kill my mother,
“Bombard my country, starve us all,
“Humiliate us all, but I am to blame:
“I shot a rocket back."
A selection of ungodly chants
From the Zionist Book of Psalms
Are used to announce the destruction
Of a country and its inhabitants:
“There should be no electricity in Gaza,
“No gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing…
“We need to flatten entire neighbourhoods…
“Flatten all of Gaza.”
– Gilad Sharon, son of Ariel Sharon, Jerusalem Post.
Gaza should be “bombed so hard the population
“Has to flee into Egypt.”
– Israel Katz, Minister of Transportation.
Gaza should be “wiped clean with bombs.”
– Avi Dichter, Minister of Home Front Defence.
Israeli soldiers must “learn from the Syrians
“How to slaughter the enemy.”
– Israeli Rabbi Yaakov Yosef.
Vladimir Jabotinsky, Russian Jewish Revisionist leader,
born Oct. 18, 1880-Aug. 4, 1940.
Here is Vladimir Jabotinsky, admirer of Mussolini
And godfather of Zionist terrorism,
Justifying the flattening of Arab villages in 1948
And their inhabitants being turned into refugees:
“The world has become accustomed to the idea
“Of mass migrations and has become fond of them.”
“Hitler, as odious as he is to us,” Jabotinsky adds,
“Has given this idea a good name in the world.”
[Tom Segev, One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate, New York: Henry Holt, 2001, p. 407]
It’s an irony that Jabotinsky used Hitler
As precedent for the eviction of thousands,
Since forcible expulsion
Was amongst the charges against Adolf Eichmann,
An architect of industrialized mass murder;
Captured in Argentina, tried and hanged in Israel.
Undeterred, the former Chief Rabbi,
Mordechai Elyahu, has urged Israel,
Its army and its government
To employ “the Nazi choice”:
By which he’s meant the carpet bombing of Gaza,
And he urges the “indiscriminate killing of civilians”
On religious grounds.
The Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Schneerson,
A self-proclaimed Messiah
Whose followers await his return from the dead
(As if the Rabbi hadn’t preached enough when alive
By his making the claim that his religion
Heralded a new Master Race),
Has a devoted and powerful acolyte, Rabbi Manis Friedman,
Who declares that the “only way to fight a moral war”
Is to “destroy the Arabs’ holy sites”
To “kill men, women and children”, to eliminate anyone
Who stands in the way of a Greater Israel.
With an Old Testament ferocity,
And a religious racism which the atheist,
Christopher Hitchens, has called,
“The root of religious evil”,
The Rabbi acclaims Israel’s relentless colonizing impulse
Whereby the Torah is used
To justify mass killings
And such crimes
Are given a whole country’s blessing.
The Head of the National Defence College,
Professor Arnon Sofer,
Outlines Israel’s strategy:
“If we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill.
“All day, every day.”
Jerusalem Post, 24 May 2004]