Friday, July 5, 2013

Assemblage Points

Jaclyn Swedberg
2012 Playmate of the Year

Assemblage points of power are engaged in various places within and without the body. How they are utilized is dependent upon the user, the person.

I was awakened by a speaker on television this morning. I normally don't listen to preachers anymore, but there was something engrossing about his presence. He seemed to be sitting in the room talking to me kindly, forcibly and intelligently captivating my life choices with brutal honesty. There is one weakness within my strength I won't speak about for any reason, but it is good to recognize its existence. Weaknesses like strengths are forces of darkness, and forces of Nature.

The pastor's name was Mike Murdock. I'd never heard of him, but I was well acquainted with the plaintive voice of Southern preachers that has been the bane of the Black Church, for reasons many don't comprehend. This man had something different within him. I heard him say he'd spent his early years in a discipline learning, re-reading, studying and eventually, under tutelage, memorized the entire Bible. He said his entire life, his thinking process, and his home are charged with continually learning. His Kindle held 500 books.

"I travel with this." he declared holding up affectionately to the camera and the audience.

As I pulled myself up from the comfort beneath my favorite thick blanket I heard him talk of his early life, but his words, "Wisdom is the study of differences." riveted me. His storytelling weaved magically from a tight constraint into open loops from story to teaching, and antedotes  and humor. He spoke of seven (7) laws. I only got four (4) because that annoying Emergency Broadcast Alert went interrupted the programming.

  1. Law of difference (what is our difference?)
  2. Law of the Mind - success starts in the mind: the mind needs focus. The mind needs instructions to better serve you, and the mind needs a hero. It needs an example to follow, and the mind needs pictures, meditation.
  3. Law of recognition (everything you want is near you.)
  4. Law of the Seed. He said, "Problems are seeds of success. When talking with anyone you need to listen for four (4) things: pain, information, the sound of honor, and desires... You have no value until you solve a problem." he said, "Something in my hand is controlling my future."
He also felt that Psalms 119 was the most important chapter in the Bible. He recommended Psalms 91 and Psalms 37 (two of my favorites) as must reads. He spoke of the promise of Isaiah 58 and Ephesians 6.

Two of the other important things he said I will leave you with:.

"If I keep what I've got that's the most it'll ever be, but if I sow it it's the least it'll ever be." 

"Delayed obedience is rebellion."

- Mike Murdock, pastor and author, SCHOOL OF WISDOM SERIES: 7 Laws you must honor:

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 6.20.13

Jaclyn Swedberg

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