Monday, February 3, 2014

The Story of Ausar & Auset as shared by Jomel Carson

A Beautiful True Story
January 2, 2014

After Ra's migration to the afterlife Ausar and Auset ruled Kemet. They found that the people of Kemet had become brutish and war like.They had forgotten the laws of Ma'at and were only concerned with their own interests. Auset with her divine wisdom and radiance captivated the people of Kemet. The people followed the example of Ausar and Auset by living the laws of Ma'at. They lost their savage war like ways, started to eat vegetables and dedicated themselves to becoming god like.

The world hadn't seen such peace even up until this day. Not everybody was happy with this peace and tranquility. Set (Ausar's Brother) was ruled by negative emotions such as fear, anger, worry, and most of all envy. He had designs on ruling Kemet and not in the current benevolent way either. Set needed to dispose of Ausar to assume the throne.

With 72 co-conspirators in tow he hatched a deadly plan to rid Kemet of it's ruler. Set decided to organize a ceremony in honour of Ausar. The only other attendees were the other 72 conspirators. During the feast Set produced a beautifully crafted casket which just happened to be Ausar's size.

" Try this for size !" Sneered Set.

"Don't mind if I do brother." bellowed Ausar.

Ausar trustingly stepped into the casket. Set and the 72 conspirators nailed it shut and sealed it with molten lead. Set put the coffin to sail out on the Nile river.

After 7 days the casket arrived at a nearby land called Syria. Ausar did not survive the Journey. The casket rested against the roots of a large tree.After a while both the casket and the body of Ausar became part of the tree. The resulting radiance and beauty of the tree's blossom was the talk of the land. The King of Syria ordered the tree to be cut down and made into a Pillar for his palace.

Auset was aware of Set's jealousy and feared the worse when it came apparent that her husband could not be found. Auset set sail to find Ausar. The news of the tree with the unusual radiant blossom had not escaped her. Auset traveled to Syria. Once Auset laid eyes on the pillar she instinctively knew it was the resting place of Ausar.

The King and Queen of Syria were very proud of their famous Pillar which continued to radiate the glory of Ausar. To gain favour with the King and Queen, Auset decided to disguise herself and work as servant to the monarchy of Syria. Auset served for 7 years. The godly influence of Auset had an extremely positive affect on the kingdom of Syria.When it was time for Auset to leave, the King and Queen asked her what she would like as a leaving gift. Auset asked for the pillar. On opening the pillar and seeing Ausar Auset wailed in grief. The spirit of Ausar awoke. Auset fell pregnant with the child of Ausar, who then left for the underworld.

Auset traveled back to Kemet with the body of Ausar. She hid the casket in the marshes of the Nile. Unfortunately Set happened to be out hunting that night and caught glimpse of the casket. In a blind rage Set cut the body into 14 pieces. Auset recovered all of the pieces apart from the phallic member and re - assembled the body. Auset then gave Ausar a proper burial. She now knew that her life and the life of her unborn son was in danger as Set had assumed the throne and would like to destroy Auset and her son the only heir to the throne.

Auset escaped the clutches of Set and gave birth to her son, whom she called Heru. With the wisdom and the guidance of his mother, Heru grew to be a wise and powerful god. It was time to avenge his father. Heru waged war with Set. They endured many battles which ended in stalemate. During one particular ferocious battle Heru was temporarily blinded. While Heru rested from his injury he started to use his wisdom. "Maybe violence is not the answer!" He thought.(When blinded to the outer world, he had not choice but to see the spirit of the situation.

 [Note by Michelle Sujai]
Spiritual Evolution before Divine Revolution.

Heru wrote a letter to the 12 gods and goddesses of the court.

"Please make a decision in regards to the rule of Kemet. Set killed my Father in cold blood and made my mother leave Kemet and has ruined the good work they had done for the world"

The court discussed the situation and finally came to a decision.

"Set you have killed your own brother in cold blood. You will go back to your original role of protecting the boat of Ra from the serpent of ignorance. Heru, you have been a real hero, and and you deserve to rule Kemet. Heru spent many years restoring Kemet and thus the world to its former glory.

[Note from Sujai]

Balanced loving relationships like that of Ausar & Auset radiate love to all who see them. This balanced love between a Man & a Woman models the harmony of the heart necessary for each individual to live a life of peaceful progress. Without a balancing force in our lives we cannot EVER live in peace. A peaceful heart requires allowing someone into our heart in a personal intimate way that goes way beyond sex. When your soul connects with another in soulful intercourse both souls astro travel forward into the source of creation, into the womb of timeless space where we all were created.

Jealousy, envy, greed, desire for dominance & rulership are not acts of a loving heart but acts of a closed heart. Because Set did not have a balanced woman to cool his internal war he killed the thing he was close to accepting. He killed soulful love. Do you have soulful love? If your love brings peace & harmony to most who see you with your mate you might be on the right path. This is the way to bring the world back to balance. Balance our personal relationships, & lead by example.

When African Adam decided to move his creation from his rib with Eve down under their feet so he could stand on her back they both fell from grace. He for his power imbalance & her for submitting to it. Lets bring the world back to balance. Strive for more in relationships & share the vision of more so we WILL ALL achieve more! ~ Michelle Harvey

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