Saturday, February 1, 2014

Why Cant We Get More Help With Manifestation?

Jesus Stars, See Moore Truth  born each night when the stars come out to Teach!
I Attended a Zohar workshop last night that explained the desire to have help with moving to the next level of attainment. They made it clear that we don't get help until we open the door ourselves. When we astro-travel thru space & time & see the real, experience the real, then & only then will we overstand other travelers from other dimensions & other times. Only when we know who we were in the past & the Karma that we are working to balance, will we stop fighting about right & wrong & we will just do that which is right. Those who get & will travel with it. Those who have not yet traveled cant go anywhere until they know how to open their doors. Meditation & other spiritual practices like Kemetic Yoga, Qigong, Headstands to align the spine & open the Chakras are necessary to prepare the body for travel. 

Also, since women reach into the power of light to give birth to spirit, we have an ease of movement when traveling to other dimensions that we take for granted. We don't always overstand why men have such a hard time moving from intellectual dialogue to spiritual travel & action. The power to bring forth life from the cosmos is an evolutionary gift men can only experience in the moments of ecstasy of orgasmic connection to a woman's BALANCED life force energy. This is why men crave sex more than women. Women can have this connection without men but men must learn to make the connection after a woman shows him the way to the sunrise of rebirth in the stars we are, as we now live in this human form. Now U asked for help? Here it is. Truly learn to connect with one woman fully & new galaxies of information will be born thru the connection as U see the wonders of the IAmNiverse!

When a man finds THE woman who opens his doors, he must value the power of his spirit & truth in order to empower her to empower him. Ausar made this connection with Auset and that is how she was able to give birth to his spirit. She KNEW his spirit so she could call it forth from the cosmic soup of Spirits. If they did not have The PERSONAL CONNECTION OF DIVINE INTIMACY she could not have used her Goddess gifts to restore him to his Godhood. 

So the desire of men to have physical intimacy without spiritual intimacy is the reason we have a hypersexual culture with no power to manifest anything of lasting value. Only sustainable intimate relationships between men & women, that polish our ruff edges during the challenging moment, only these relationships give birth to greatness. Beside every great man is a great woman. She is not beneath him, supporting him without him supporting her dreams. Only co-creators manifest anything of lasting value. When a man balances his male & female energy with a woman who has not lost her BALANCED male & female energy they have the power to manifest new worlds.

When men take the energy from a woman & try to share it with lesser females as they ego trip, attempting to show what they learned from a woman of greatness, he diminishes both of them. This is why divorce splits the asset acquired thru the union. It is a physical expression of the spiritual reality. When U split with the one who empowers U, who connects U with source, U split all U acquired thru the union & U lose your balance.
Want balance & *Power? Study these words. Look at yourself. U when U where most able to manifest. Who helped U? Do U provide the people who empower U with respect & appreciation of their unique ability to connect with U? Or is your energy so scattered that U cant sustain the energy long enough to manifest true cosmic power?

The cosmic alignment of the birth of the Christ Spirit is in the Cosmos for ALL TIME because the Christ Spirit is with us for ALL TIME. It may have begun with Ausar & Auset but it is reborn over & over again in all cultures thru our cosmic connection to source. Each time U connect with your spiritual partner in power U call forth power. What U desire can manifest thru this connection & only thru this connection. When African men began imitating the disrespectful, out of balanced relationships white men had with the children of EVE, white women, this is when African men fell from grace & began disrespecting God & Religion as well as the women of God, Black women. When you dont respect your connection to source, the Black woman, U cant respect source. If U reject source U R nothing.

So check this. At this time on Earth, every race respects spirit more than Black men. Black men HATE every established TRUTH & ARGUE to PROVE they have the RIGHT to REJECT the POWER that CONNECTS Us ALL! Who is on the bottom of the manifestation hierarchy? African men! Could that be because African men do not respect the spirit of manifestation that comes from balanced connection with the creative force of women? Men Reject the Power that Connects us ALL? If U reject power, will power come to U? If U try to create your own rules & demand the Universe follow U, U reject the IAMNiverse the, I AM What I AM Power in Universal Truth.

Cultures where women are empowered have powerful outcomes. As the wider society promotes gangster rappers, gang bangers who rape woman to make sure they become incapable of empowering men, drugs that lower consciousness, & violence & war, ALL low level manifestations, African people accepted that as 
The Way & lost their way.

"The way to heaven is thru the legs of a powerful African woman" paraphrasing Doc Ben. When men allowed their craving for an easier way to rule the wisdom of accepting the challenge of conquering the lazy life, they decided easy women where Easier than the woman that require a man become Moore! Becoming Moore is not easy~ Neither are the women who give Moore. Giving Moore requires receiving Moore. If U R not willing your God self to give Moore, U will not require Moore. This is the balance of the IAmNiverse. I Am That I Am. R U Moore or Less? Is your partner Moore or Less? U can rise no higher than the energy in your field. How high is the energy U R comfortable with? Where U R is where U R comfortable with being. If U want Moore, Be Moore, Bring Moore, Decipher Moore, Co Manifest Moore! Know they Self & Know Moore! 

Ashe ~ Michelle 'Sujai' Harvey 

Jesus Stars, See Moore Truth  born each night when the stars come out to Teach!

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