Wednesday, November 20, 2013


My naughty neighbor caught a hold of herself when my wife saw the motion of my direction. How  a man responds to the  come hithers of women desirous of him measures the man, and displays the trust lines relationships require of each person. Sexual appeal is a gift and a given. They are so deeply a part of us, and necessary for spiritual development it takes away the absurdity of asserting that Jesus of Nazareth was a virgin; never got laid. Such a declaration, a teaching flies into the face of his spiritual teachings rendering them void, and unearned because the teachings would be devoid of the required balance of existence to be powerful and enduring. So fundamental is this balance to teachings, and cultural assertions, life forms, and sexual proclamations of today that without it types of death come in to play with our lives; our souls in very quiet supple ways. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 3.3.13

Black woman's mature beauty lays claim to nothing but power; the declaration of power, the ability to be powerful, the need for power, and the essence of power to embolden her man, or the men of her life. Such power. Such power from the essence of our birth dreams. As men honor that, ponder it, and gauge where you fit in the vast network of worlds from whence we come, and create as lovers for the women, or woman we need. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
A Black woman beach volleyball player is not the normal thing
you'd see on a beach in the United States... So, it happens does it? 

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