Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Exploration of Forgiveness

Older woman in white towel thinking 


Sometimes it isn't healthy to "make" it work........especially when you've tried almost every way under the sun. It becomes a drain and toxic to both people. There's a difference between "giving up" and just having the wisdom to know it's time to walk away. - Jessica Nicole  8.7.15

Jasmine Johnson agreed saying, "Hall yes!! thank you, some of these posts make it sound like those of us who have needed to walk away took the easy way out! when in reality it wasn't easy at all, it was necessary for self preservation."

Ashfaq Janjua I agree. Love is a two way street. Some people aren't ready, some people are afraid, some haven't the foggiest idea what love is and and some don't know the difference between Love and lust. If you're comfortable with who you are, have self respect and have any love for yourself, it becomes easier but the hurt still remains but gets easier over time. Get to know and embrace the real you to find happiness.


What do u do when the trust is gone, the care is there but u can't make it work? I want full blown love truth and honesty, if your gonna live a lie what's the point?! It has to be real and it has to be powerful and amazing or it's not worth having.
Some things can't be worked out once the damage is Done - Hayley Smith

Your words come from the end of a road. I suggest coming away with the beginning of learning to unlearn and trust again with new parameters, new definitions and the freedom that comes from deep cleansing after a "ceremonial time of recapitulation". - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 8.9.15


"Adultery is forgivable. It is somewhere deep beyond belief and other things that prevent it from happening." - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

"LOVE is the greatest feeling in the world and the GREATEST challenge to share if you've never experienced it. Lust is not love." - Lee T Judy

Relationships bring perspective 

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