Sunday, November 15, 2009


Don't Sing That Song Here! Don't Say That 3 Letter Word Either!

I just learned that the president of my glorious UDC does not want the yearly convocation program to include the BLACK NATIONAL ANTHEM or NOR does he want the program to begin or end with PRAYER!! I can't believe this. Every year they want me to perform a piece before our guest speaker. I can not be a part of the president's motion to secularize the convocation program. Why does idea of God repel some people? We allow all types of trash to go on at our universities but we don't want God's presence in our programs of higher learning. Are our leaders afraid of being persecuted for honoring God through prayer? They are becoming irreverent and unspiritual.

This is just as bad as when President Obama spoke at Georgetown Univ. and the powers that be asked GU to cover up the crucifix in the background as to not to give any religious preference. Now why would GU agree to this? To please the political powers that be we don't have reverence for God the Creator, what kind of human beings are we? How can we love with out reverence for the one who created humanity? Where are we being led if our leaders don't have the will of God attached to their vision? Whose side are you on, God's side or the USA? The Bible says if we are ashamed of Him in front of this sinful and adulterous generation He will be ashamed of you before the Father! (Mark 8:38)

Furthermore why does he not want the black national anthem sang during the convocation? This is a sign of self-hatred and an effort to comply with the political correct agenda that America has adopted. I can't believe that this is happening before my very eyes, and the people in charge are going for it. This is an example of " spiritual wickedness in HIGH PLACES." UDC is a historically black institution. Why should the president be ashamed of the black national anthem? Is he ashamed of his roots and heritage? Now I'm skeptical about the whole motive behind changing the face and mission of UDC. Was the tuition hike a ploy to get rid of underprivileged students (black) who can't afford a decent college education and to attract more white and foreign students to change the "face" of UDC? So now what we have here is gentrification and secularization of our black institutions! What's next? Soon they may be telling us that we can't have our annual Christmas concert!! Who's gonna speak up about this? -Allyn Johnson, musician, composer (August 21, 2009) Washington DC

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