Sunday, November 15, 2009


"This takes my memories back to the Ethiopian Rabbi,my Grandfather-Teacher Ojuku and the long creation story he told me from his tradition. It took him hours to tell it and plant it in my spirit. ...This is a powerful re-inactment of life on the other side of the veil." -Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

LEGENDS OF THE UNDERWORLD  by Brian Viziondanz's videos  5:43

"Legends of the Underground is an out of this world theatrical experience conceptualised by an A-list collaborative team featuring the best of Europe's dancers, music producers and Hollywood's best concept designers.  In an eclectic blend of artforms including music, 3D animation (3D glasses included) and dance, this production is narrated by actor Colin Salmon and fuses jazz dance with classical ballet, b-boying, popping and locking. If that isn't enough to tempt you, you have the added treat of a live pe rformance by Legends of the Underground collective with music drawn and inspired from soundtrack. It also includes, live string accompaniment orchestrated by composer Dave Punshon."  by Brian Viziondanz

1 comment:

  1. just to clarify, the production is not mine, i filmed and edited this video along with gary nurse the genius behind this production

    we also created this video of a more recent performance -
