Wednesday, November 18, 2009


“I am not an expert on food, or a chemist. I mention chemistry because the past couple decade’s discussions of foods are deplete of the joy of eating, and the sheer joy of feeling food flow through the body, or the way it responds to our prayers, and our thought process. It is all about chemistry, and fear, dread of disease. A real turn-off, so I barely listen anymore. The trend of the food and health industry, and drug companies have pulled most from the bodies natural tendencies to heal itself, and the vital relationship with the living Earth, and her medicines.

But I am experiencing my body’s reaction to electrical changes from being struck by lightning many years ago, and my body’s reaction to the increase of interaction with malefic and healing forces I engage when asked. It is interesting feeling the presence of age re-generate itself by spoken word, or mumbled thought. I don't have a history of addiction, or abuse. I have a history of good health, and that paradigm has led to some haughty stances and attitudes, on my part, that tell their stories here and there in my body.
This is interesting to me alone. What I really look forward to is finding recipes for my wife. We are changing our diets. She likes to cook, and I like to eat.” - Gregory E. Woods, Oct. 20, 2009

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