Wednesday, November 25, 2009



"What we have become without ceremony. Look what has happened without the correct, and proper relationship with our relatives. We can fight this fight intellectually, and through politics, or we can move ourselves into a relationship with our Grandmother Earth, learn her medicines, and incorporate every part of our being out of the need to fight all the time, and heal; first our relationships, then our minds, then see the Earth’s essence and align with her spirits. Fighting constantly in a mode of thought, and behavior that we learned from the European will not, and cannot bring peace or healing or reconciliation. The energy they taught our ancestors is destructive by nature. Its creative process is the genius, and the genesis of a conquering legacy that can only devour, and later dream of being better, but cannot get better.

Mother’s energy protects. She invites help and consoles her children. She understands all of the subtle mysteries of the womb that births a process of giving, teaching, and listening to the Lodges of Infinity not seen by the probing worm of man’s lust, our desire to own, and inability to relate to wombs we come from. Unraveling this paradigm cannot happen with the original energy that created it. That is an impossibility.

So I ask, as a man, what is the Woman’s Song we need to learn from the Medicine of the Grandmothers, the dark resting Wombs of our Mothers, and the Breasts of our Children’s Mothers? These are my words. I am a Keeper of Stories. These are my concerns. I am Gregory E. Woods, Dawn Wolf."

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