Thursday, September 1, 2016

DEVOTION honors ...

woman by Fausto Hernandez Photography !!!!

Devotion is stirred and inspired by emotions. When it arises to the surface adoration can well up alongside its dimensions and be mistaken for love, or in some instances, or flashes of inspiration translate itself into love for a person deserving devotion. These interlocking relationships occur quickly giving credence to the notion God could have and did create the world in seven days!

Creativity is a quick process of developing ideas sparked by moments of insight. Inside of the event the speed of creative activity from its starting point of inspiration to the urgency to create is a flash of color, or sound. The celebrated Muse is all parts of these elements and she comes in the guise of the jester, the painter, the songstress, the Sage, the composer, the poet, the statesman, and even the warrior!

Philosophical debates are unnecessary in these processes. Leave that to critics on the outskirts of the Alchemists making art, the strategists studying stratagems of war, or designers developing new fashions, or those who translate colors into sound with surprising ease through their guitars, or flutes. Art is a mistress or a starlet forever faithful to the ideas that flush greens, or yellows, pinks into the foliage, and bring water to the roots of trees in the forests full of life forces that create the sounds in the hunter's world he must be creative within to survive.

The mystical thing about art is its versatility; its ability to be needed in every field, every endeavor mankind needs to survive upon the Earth, our Mother with other people in community. Art is within expressing a need to get out of our Being to participate in the Art of Living. Art is Beauty, and it is trail and conflict. What is beautiful and what challenges us is the art of discovering the depths of what is needed to become one's self, and later a spiritual being grounded in the ancient truths. This is art in relationship to living one's life upon and within the Earth, our Mother!

Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
Jan. 9, 2016

patriotic Black woman 2

Art That Inspires Me 

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